Tuesday 1 October 2013


Assalamualaikum to all those that visited my blog. The reason  i'm writing this blog is because this is an assignment. i'm from decom5A. By reading the headlines of my blog i'm sure that you know what i'm going to write about. I'm going to talk about the story about Mat Kilau and his fight with the British. Although there are  many more warrior that can be categorized as "legend" but i choose him because he fight for Pahang and i was born in Pahang. i want to share with everyone especially to nowadays generation that doesn't care anymore about history. i want you to open your eye, your heart, and your mind of what would happen if this warriors doesn't fight for the freedom that the British people steal from us? would our life be this comfortable? will our country gain independence? will our country Malaysia be known as Malaysia? sit down and take your time to think. The history book that we all learn during high school isn't for fun or to fulfill the requirement syllabus but as a reminder and our guideline in life. We learn history so that we don't repeat the same mistake that the they have done. All the mistake that they done can be use to improve our country. Like people says, we learn by making mistake. Back to main topic,i want to share my with all you that entitled "The Story of Mat Kilau" hope you enjoy and that all the information that you gain as a reminder.


  • The purpose is to make all the Malaysian know about who is actually Mat Kilau. He fights for Pahang independence and to redeem honor of Malaya people. Although his contribution are not as grand as his father but it still recorded in history.

Mat Kilau at the age 122

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