Imam Rasu also known as Tok Gajah is the father of Mat Kilau. his mother is known as Teh Mahda which is the daughter of Tok Kaut, Burau. he was born around year 1865/1866 at Kg. Kendondong, Pulau Tawar, Jerantut Pahang. he is raise like other village children. during his chilhood, Mat Kilau been taught to read Quran. He is earnest in study until he able to read Quran with lot of song or hymn.
after finish learning Quran, he start to learn berzanji followed by dikir Maulud. he then learn dikir Rebana that more known as Dikir Pahang. He was known as the most popular pendikir at Pulau Tawar becuase of his sweet voice. at early age Mat Kilau play the traditional game which is Gasing and during his teenagers time, he play laga buah keras. he also love hunting and when the leader of the hunt is absent, he was choose as a leader. As a hunter, the jungle is like his play ground because he know all the road.

Around the age of 20, Mat Kilau is married to a girl known as Yang Chik binti Imam Daud from Kampung Kedondon, Pulau Tawar.the result of the marriage is that the family is blessed with 3 children.After married, he learn silat and mysticism. he also learning silat with creese and machete. A lot of the knowledge that he gain come from his father.

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